Data Protection Officer Services – India

Outsource DPO services and benefits from our data protection experience. We offer a full review of your current policies and processes including an in-depth audit and regular compliance reporting. It also includes data breach management and onsite staff training. Our team ensures that your organization is fully compliant with Articles 37-39 of the GDPR.

Why Outsource DPO Services to India – Ensuring GDPR Compliance

  • Ensures your company is fully GDPR rules compliant
  • Practical and cost-effective solution compared to hiring in-house DPO officers
  • Expert advice and guidance on data protection, GDPR rules, data privacy
  • No conflict of interest between the DPO providers and other business activities
  • Data Protection Officer Services – On-demand

Data Protection Officers under the General Data Protection Regulation

The appointment of a Data Protection Officer is going to become law under the GDPR for organisations over a certain size (250 employees). Some of the key players in the GDPR are:

  • Joint Controllers
  • Supervisory Authority
  • Representative

GDPR Toolkit – All-in-One GDPR Compliance Documents

We have created several document templates pertaining to Data Protection acts as per the requirements of GDPR rules and regulation. We update these documents constantly as and when there’s an update on the GDPR policies and procedures.

Some of the documents from the GDPR Compliance Toolkit are:

  • Executive Support Letter
  • Project Initiation Document
  • Gap Analysis
  • Data Register Template
  • Privacy Notice Template

Our Expert DPO Services – GDPR Compliance Services

Our expert DPO services are based on independent pragmatic, legal advice for your organization to stay GDPR compliant.

  • We help prepare a data processing statement to be written explaining what data is processed and why
  • Write and review of data privacy statements and data protection policies
  • We conduct Staff awareness training/education and keeping records of same
  • Point of contact for all matters pertaining to the GDPR and other data privacy requirements, for the business, employees and the ICO
  • Develop Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIA) for new projects/initiatives
  • We maintain expert knowledge of data protection/GDPR rules and law
  • External Data Protection Officer
  • Data Protection Audits
  • IT Forensics Expert Opinions
  • Revision-Proof Data Erasure
  • IT Expert Opinions
  • License Audit and Software License Reports

Expert GDPR Training and Support – Compliance, 

We offer flexible call off arrangements, ensuring that we can meet your needs ensuring you are fully compliant, but also leverage maximum competitive advantage out of GDPR.

  • Continous GDPR Training & Support
  • GDPR Toolkit
  • Onsite GDPR Consultancy
  • Virtual DPO Services

Become GDPR Ready – GDPR Compliance Checklist

Here's a quick to-do list to get started with GDPR compliance activities:

  • Create a data privacy team to oversee GDPR activities and raise awareness
  • Review current security and privacy processes in place & where applicable, revise your contracts with third parties & customers to meet the requirements of the GDPR
  • Identify the Personally Identifiable Information (PII)/Personal data that is being collected
  • Analyze how this information is being processed, stored, retained and deleted
  • Assess the third parties with whom you disclose data
  • Establish procedures to respond to data subjects when they exercise their rights
  • Establish & conduct Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA)
  • Create processes for data breach notification activities
  • Continuous employee awareness is vital to ensure continual compliance to the GDPR

For further information about our Data Protection Officer Services or getting your organization for GDPR Compliance, please contact our GDPR Compliance team!

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